2 years ago
Input Delay v.24
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Input-Lag-Unresponsiveness/td-p/11949320 In what is becoming an annual tradition since January '22, NHL24 plays with the same exact input delay, player fre...
So if THIS is the main reason for all of these wonky mechanics on one side seemingly and not the opponent, then WHAT is the solution? What do ya do to make it all go away. If it's NOT the internet's fault, and it's not the router or modem I use, and it doesn't matter if I use wired or wireless, and it doesn't matter which internet speed I get.....then WHAT do I do about it to make this game play the way it's supposed to play?
Million-dollar question since 2015
I don't play enough other games regularly enough to ever notice any of this, but holy wahhh does it ever happen on the NHL series.
@DeliveryForKiki wrote:
@RedBull1973JLThe only solution is on EA's end. And they know it's a gigantic issue involving complex networking, servers, coding. Perhaps they don't know how to fix it. So, the business decision is to pretend it's NOT an issue or as widespread as it is across all games. "We've only received a handful of complaints."
So I forgot to use the quote feature on here. Just to clarify, I was speaking about the electricity lag that was being mentioned way earlier. I just happened to stumble upon that thread the other day and was really curious about how to test for that because my experience is almost as bad when playing offline as it is online.