2 years ago
Input Delay v.24
https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Input-Lag-Unresponsiveness/td-p/11949320 In what is becoming an annual tradition since January '22, NHL24 plays with the same exact input delay, player fre...
Hi there, @7277298def6b0a4d
Online Versus games don't take place on our servers. Either you or your opponent are hosting the game. So, if either one of you has a bad connection, the other will feel it. Distance is also frequently an issue as this mode has a smaller pool of players so you could be getting someone farther away than you would in a more popular mode with dedicated servers.
Well done with the content drop.
Now fix the lag compensation garbage!
Ridiculously obvious when you’re simply not allowed to play or you’re boosting opponent.
Can you give me some more details on how you're not allowed to play? We only block people from playing when they've violated the Terms of Service.
not the only one experiencing
Just go back to p2p
or fix matchmaking so its at least an even playing field.
Your max ping setting is useless.
I don't see how base cards are outplaying 98s. That sounds more like a difference in skill. If you feel base cards are better, you're certainly welcome to use them instead.
I don't know how many times I've made the request for video showing lower players outskating higher ones, but for some reason, no one has ever been able to provide that. Usually, I don't hear back after promises they'll do it. If you've got video showing this, feel free to post it.
I don’t have any video to share. I’m just stating that others see the issues too. Base cards or not.
There’s a div 2 guy like me, in that thread (almost div 1) that also see sees the issues I’m talking about.
Can’t just put blame on local end users physical setup or skill, if that’s the case. Gotta be more happening behind the scenes than just that.
Every game is an inconsistent crapshoot as to how responsive it will be for a player and I suspect this only became an issue since going to server based. Yet online vs and hut friendly perform waaaayyy better.
I honestly think the game play itself is great, but only when network mismatch isn’t happening, which is rare, at least for me. It’s like there’s always someone with the advantage. I see it to my benefit too, where my opponent has zero chance. Really Shouldn't be like that. Game should feel/play similar regardless of where you live.
if it’s truly nothing to do with server connections, lack of servers or games being manipulated, then surely matchmaking could at least be improved so it’s more fair of a connection between opponents.
Anyway, I don’t see this getting fixed as we all keep on buying regardless.
thanks for at least responding.
A peer to peer connection can benefit you if you're far from a dedicated server. You could potentially be connecting to someone closer using P2P so this can potentially give you a better connection. We'll keep monitoring for any issues though.
Minnesota is my closest server, but I’d hazard a guess I’m rarely on it.
Got my shiny new jagr and shiny new Ovechkin today, and guess what? players ridiculously slowed down every game and literally can’t do anything! Zero ability to even compete.
1-4 in champs today and one of those losses, I score 3 own goals. Yes, not 1, but 3
4 days in a row it’s played like this trash.
Utterly unplayable!
All server based has got EA in last 5 years is more hate. and people giving up and not buying it anymore.
If p2p would help me, I’d guess it would a lot of other players complaining too. Right?
Fix your matchmaking or severs if you don’t want to go back to p2p
You're going to need to provide video so we can see if there are any issues that are forcing you to lose. We get very few requests for P2P to return as it was much easier to IP boot and connections were not as good as dedicated servers for the majority of the playerbase. Again, if that's what you prefer, you're certainly welcome to play Online Versus instead.
Online VS is not what I prefer but it definitely plays better more consistently.
and I believe you just said above that…
”A peer to peer connection can benefit you if you're far from a dedicated server.”
and if p2p is how HUT used to be played…
by going server based (in 2018 was it?), you essentially changed how hut plays for those of us further from servers
This is the issue I’m talking about. Uneven playing field now.
Video can be subjective and you’ve been provided enough by others. Nothing will be done if I provide video anyway.
I’m not necessarily saying to go back to p2p, but you can/should be doing things to improve gameplay for those not close to servers.
like better matchmaking based on connections/areas, standing up more servers or fixing game net code.
not telling people it’s their home setup/internet or skill that’s to blame when clearly more to it.
but I get it…”very few complaints about this”
@Br4ymatter wrote:
Video can be subjective and you’ve been provided enough by others. Nothing will be done if I provide video anyway.
If there is a legitimate issued shown in the video, it's very possible something will be done about it. Nobody has been able to prove that so far. A weak connection wouldn't slow down your players. It would slow down how they react to inputs though since there would be lag caused by the higher ping due to being in a more remote location.
This is the issue I’m talking about. Uneven playing field now.
I’m not necessarily saying to go back to p2p, but you can/should be doing things to improve gameplay for those not close to servers.
like better matchmaking based on connections/areas, standing up more servers or fixing game net code.
Hopefully, we'll add more dedicated servers to have better coverage in the future.
The uneven playing field due to living farther away from a server than your opponents isn't an issue with the game. No amount of code is going to make up for that distance.
When it comes to matchmaking, you can see your connection and quit if it's not to your liking.
Hell yeah it’s an issue with the game. Because you guys chose to change HUT from p2p to server based and now you have this mess on your hands. I’d argue most of your gameplay complaints are because of connectivity mismatches.
Look at sleeves last video about fixing rivals. He even discusses connectivity in latter part of video.
Either stand up more servers or fix matchmaking, or better yet, both! You owe it to your fan base.
Shouldnt be matching Quebec and down east from Saskatchewan as often as I do. Max ping setting does nothing for me.
Sure that could be fixed, unless it’s of course, it’s intended
Rarely do I match people in my area. Rarely.
By the way champs is atrocious past two days. Worse than normal Can’t buy a win when usually go at least 10-10 (even with these ridiculous mismatched connection games). Every game is so obvious something is up; more than skill gap.
Don’t think it’s too much to ask for an even playing field. And I know I’m not the only one experiencing.
Do better and you’ll grow your game.
Yes. I've seen the video. As you pointed out, this is due to the proximity to the server. Someone closer is going to have a better connection. Hopefully, we can add more servers to help with this. However, I don't see servers being added to areas with very low populations.
If you rarely match people in your area, that's because you're in a region where there is a small pool of players. Matchmaking expands to include others outside your region if the search is taking too long. If a search takes more than 15 seconds, cancel it and start again. It'll take you longer to match up, but you should have a better connection.