Forum Discussion

jwaits's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 days ago

“Flex cam” Goal Celebrations

Please, for the love of god, I beg of you PLEASE make it an option to turn off the “flex cam” goal celebrations. I seriously cannot think of anything more inauthentic and flat out annoying in the entire game. They look terrible, and I’m sorry, but nobody, NOBODY in the NHL celebrated goals like how the flex cam moments do. They ignore their teammates and stand in an awkward pose, and you can’t even skip it. Please please please please PLEASE make it an option to turn it off. The regular celebrations were completely fine the way they were! What was even the reason to change them? Come on.

  • I cannot agree more. Doing your own controlled goal celebrations were the best part of the game. The only thing I wanted more was to have team goal celebrations where you cellyd with your teammates. The whole Fortnite type celebrations are so immersion breaking. 

    • Bahamuta's avatar
      New Scout

      He is aware, and the devs are aware, The devs just dont care. They are trying to lure in fortnite players that will never play hockey into HUT. Franchise mode just gets screwed in the process. Full presentation gone b/c its takes to long. Everything is about grabbing a fad for a few extra bucks maybe but pissing off the actual long term buyers of the Franchise. I dont know anyone who likes the fortnite cellys, no matter what mode they play 

      • EA_Aljo's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        This really isn't the case. First, we all care. That can't be said enough. As far as the design choice goes, I know there are many of you unhappy with it. There's also a very large part of the community the does like it. This franchise is 30 years old at this point. We can't just release the same looking game every year. That's something we regularly see comments on. That it's copied and pasted, looks like NHL 15, etc. Which, doesn't make sense since the complaints actually stem from the changes that were made. 

        We're not trying to upset the long term buyers. I'm one of them. I've been playing this game since the 90s myself. My hockey video game playing goes back before that. I'm not a fan of the design choices as well, but they don't take away from the game for me. I don't mind that we have them because my focus is on the actual gameplay. That's what matters most. Presentation is at the bottom of my list. The reason I'm saying this is to help drive the point home that we have a very diverse playerbase. Many want a game that represents what they see on TV while many others like the current design. Every single game I play in WoC has people using the intro animations and over the top cellys. If they truly were despised by everyone, I don't think we'd be seeing them get so much use. 

        If we only made a game that satisfied the hardcore crowd, you wouldn't see the changes that we have year to year as we have to also try to meet the needs of the newer generation of players. Hockey is a niche sport. Limiting ourselves to only the hardcore sim community that demands the game look authentic to a TV broadcast would most likely mean less changes each year.

    • I'm going to say this.  When it comes to WoC I like the dazzle stuff because it's just good silly fun.  I'm kind of a Flexpert on having a good time.  Gameplay is what speaks to me mostly as competition is key and everything else is just icing.  I don't need to see a replay of the same goal that will happen 500+ times in a video iteration.  I just want to get that W over my opponents and have bragging rights.

      • SpikeTJD's avatar

        Imo all the multicoloured skates gloves etc should be for ones etc. EASHL should be kept serious with proper equipment only  

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Yep. And it's still a hockey game. Not like we're running around shooting each other. 

  • I just prefer my hockey game to look like hockey. But, I also understand that I'm 30+ and am adding out of the demographic EA is trying to attract (young people). So, I can appreciate why EA makes the aesthetic choices they do. I just wish there were settings/options for how the game is presented. 

    • EA_Aljo's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      I've aged out of the aesthetic choices as well. Thankfully, this game is still very fun to play so I can live with the design choices. Also, I realize that today's young generation are tomorrow's veterans. We were all there some day. I imagine the guys from way back when have hated us just adding helmets to the game. There was a time when it was all organ music as well. I can't imagine the change in music would go over well. Then you have all the props and projections on the ice. Whether or not we all like it, the times change. We can choose to find some joy in it or we can let it ruin the fun. I'll take the former every time.

    • admiral745's avatar
      Seasoned Scout

      I am almost 40 and still enjoy playing, so demographic targets mean nothing in the grand scheme of things

    • KlariskraysNHL's avatar

      I'm well up there in age and I love the stuff for WoC.  My immersion is the gameplay.  Wearing fancy skates or having a fancy celebration doesn't magically change the gameplay which is what we are playing I would hope.   Now I completely understand the offline community does not like those things.

      • Bahamuta's avatar
        New Scout

        My real issue with the presentation is, why did they remove the toggle option that the game had in NHL 22? that was there and the best for each player type. Having options for what we want as a player base should be key.