Forum Discussion

Big_E_Bronco50's avatar
3 months ago

Add more Xfactors in WoC

I think adding some more golds to the archetypes would increase build variety and enhance the game. I included some recommendations below.

Sniper: Shnipe - this one is harder to use than the others and would reward skilled players.

Playmaker: Beauty Backhand - would be a fun one to fool goalies with after passing off the backhand a few times

Dangler: Shock and Awe - Could produce some fun highlight reel goals with the high base deke of the dangler

Power Forward: Back at Ya - Could be a fun physical player who’s hard to bully with truculence 

Grinder: Relentless - Would allow a grinder taking a net front beating to make a last ditch effort on a play

Two Way Forward: Quick Draw - Investing a gold perk into faceoffs would weaken the build in other areas but be a sacrifice for the team

Puck Moving D: Puck on a String - A slick handed PMD could make some really slick plays

Two Way D: In Reverse - This would allow the build to keep up with the 160lb speed meta

Defensive D: Yoink - The high stick check and discipline of DD would pair well with powerful stick lifts

Offensive D: Make it Snappy or Shnipe - Gives the OD additional wrist shot options

Enforcers: not really in use but maybe Big Rig and Shutdown.

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