Forum Discussion

Big_E_Bronco50's avatar
23 hours ago

Attribute descriptions

I’ve been playing eashl/WoC since ‘09 and have seen the attribute descriptions change over time. My question is if the current descriptions are accurate and include all effects of an attribute?

For example higher hand eye attribute used to help with one timers. Strength used to be more involved in shot power and body checking. Puck control used to basically be the magnetism of the puck to the stick but now it seems more about getting the puck settled for passing and shot accuracy.

The vagueness of some of the descriptions makes me wonder if any of the ‘legacy’ effects of the attributes still exist. As always, thank you for any information you can provide.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    21 hours ago

    Not that I'm aware of. If I hear anything, I'll pass it on.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi there. Hand-eye helps with deflections in front of the net and your ability to handle passes or pucks in the air. Strength holds your posture during player collisions. It also helps with holding your ground or moving an opponent when boardplaying and in net battles. Puck control is for recovering the puck and getting into a settled state faster which gives you more accuracy with shots and passes.

    I got these from descriptions directly from NHL 25.

    • Big_E_Bronco50's avatar

      Thanks! Yes, these are the descriptions I am questioning. Are there any other effects of these attributes aside from what is described in the descriptions above? 

      • EA_Aljo's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        Not that I'm aware of. If I hear anything, I'll pass it on.