Forum Discussion

Nation87's avatar
Rising Rookie
21 hours ago

Bring Back Level Requirements for Loadouts

Since it's been made clear that there's no intention whatsoever for the game to move on to ANY form of skill-based matchmaking outside of "RP" amounts, you might as well bring back level requirements for X-Factors, Superstar Abilities and boosts again. Even before the Christmas population bump the amount of "new" Silver/Gold players blatantly smurfing on alt accounts with custom loadouts was already absurd.  Having to grind to to use specific abilities again would probably deter at least half of the people that are constantly making new skaters purely to stomp on the new/lower ranked player base.

Club play consists of playing the same team line-up's every game where they always have a Silver/Gold smurf account, with their full loadout, and the rest being Diamond/Elite players. In case you don't understand your own system, this rockets their RP when they win and completely erases your club's last 10+ wins if you lose. 

If there's no desire to change this system than more requirements need to be placed on the skater's games played to somewhat keep the experience fair for everyone. 

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