I think this is the only other clip I've recorded.
This particular play I'm not even that upset with just because you could argue that I'm not 100% in the lane, and sometimes passes SHOULD elude defenders just to add some sense of randomness and realism to the game.
I think what annoys me is that the game often leaves me wondering exactly what I'm supposed to do. I try skating with my back to the play and I miss the puck. I backskate and I miss the puck. I stand directly in the lane and I miss the puck. I stand slightly outside of the lane and I miss the puck. I've tried 94 defensive awareness with gold quick pick, 90ish defensive awareness with no quick pick at all. Nothing seems to really work reliably.
A lot of this really wouldn't be an issue, imo, if the forwards recieving the pass also had the same level of trouble picking up passes. Like, the only time I think I ever see a player not perfectly recieve a pass from his teammate is if the two players are really close to each other and it's a hard pass, or if it's like a stretch pass and the player receiving the pass turns the opposite direction of where the pass is going.