Forum Discussion

  • HighTmatthew's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie

    The game is LITTERED with these types of goals, multiple a game. It's the modt unrealistic goaltending I have seen in an NHL. Nearly every single close to the net one timer is a guaranteed save, even most times with GOLD one tee but half the weak backhanders from the point either bounce off the goalie and into the net or your defenceman kicks it into the net. 


    No exaggeration, 50% of the goals scored touch the goalie in some way before going in. Far too often its even the goal you show in the clip where the goalie scores it on himself. 

    • BigCastle00's avatar
      Rising Rookie

      I agree with this. The physics are just off in general. Here and there you’re going to get weird bounces, etc. A lot of what we see on here is just mind boggling. 

  • FourZeroVI's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    Would definitely like to see these attempted cover goals toned down myself as well.