Forum Discussion

Riktorious's avatar
Seasoned Novice
20 hours ago

EA Testers.

Please make a team in CHEL.  Play with 2 or 3 forwards.   You will see the tap tap tap  skate skate skate breakaway fest in the games.   Is that hockey ?   You having fun with this ???      


AI D is horrible.. get blown by at least 5 times a game for 3 or 4 goals against per game.  


IS this what you want ????  Be honest .. Tell us..

  • What do you mean by Tap tap tap skate skate skate

    Riktorious wrote:

    AI D is horrible.. get blown by at least 5 times a game for 3 or 4 goals against per game.  

    You need to stifle neutral zone speed generation. For those running EASHL with CPU D - it's your job as forwards to not get caught down low or turn the puck over, leaving your D flatfooted. 

    If your opponent is able to take a direct straight-path from their own zone and past your defence, this means you've failed as forwards to backcheck effectively enough to interrupt the straight-line path of the puck carrier.

    Take this example I used from another user:

    My initial reaction to this was that Yakupoc had an 'insane' burst of speed.

    However, analyzing the video again and you can see there was no attempt to disrupt the straight-line path of the skaters. Allowing skaters to generate speed like this is what's killing your CPU D. 

    In the above example, the D-man should've angled out the puck carrier to disrupt their ability to generate that speed. This would've likely caused Yakupov to go offside and force them to eat the whistle or retreat. 

    • Riktorious's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      Good suggestions.  Been playing since 2010.   Opposing players hang out by blue line  tap tap tap ask for puck from goalie or D and away they go.  Blow by d around own d line and goal.     There is no setting to fix it.  It can happen yes from bad choices or rebounds.    24 and 25 are horrible for this.  It's just trade breakaway hockey.  Garbage

      • Riktorious wrote:

        Opposing players hang out by blue line  tap tap tap ask for puck from goalie or D and away they go.

        This is the nature of random drop-ins. I can't fathom why EA hasn't done basic quality of life fixes:

        • Stop allowing a player to pause the action for everyone. I know they can only do it once, but the guaranteed pause in action after a quick first goal is insufferable. I know it's only 30-seconds but it's 30 completely unnecessary seconds of just waiting for the insecure players to quit or for someone to quit scrolling on their phone.
        • Stop allowing players to call for passes. Take the function completely out of drop-ins. It's not needed. 
        • Cut down replay times and remove intermissions. There's no need for a 30-second intermission between periods. Furthermore, it's not only 30-seconds anymore. Now with the 'Infinite Replay' system, we're subjected to a 45-second slow motion replay of a goalie making the most mundane save during the previous period, and then we're forced to sit and wait 30 more seconds. You're looking at 1:30 wait time between periods now during which, there's literally nothing to do but wait. It's so silly and ridiculous
        • Allow drop-in players to match with clubs exclusively. People won't mind waiting an extra few seconds to find a club with an open spot when it means not having to be subjected to the cesspool of randoms. 


        It's little changes like this that EA ignores every single year that has left me jaded and disappointed when it comes to EASHL.

        Gameplay is great this year, but quality of life changes would make things so much better. 

  • Yes it's bad. Very bad. Ruins every game. Speed boost and just fly past defense.