Forum Discussion
89 Replies
- gdsgoalies4 months agoRising Newcomer
This is a cool update. Is there any chance for PS5 Pro enhancements?
- JustAGamerOwO4 months agoNew Vanguard
Why would they release that in nhl 25 when you can make it for 26 and sell it as a new feature? :)
- darkryd3r4 months agoSeasoned Veteran
PWHL and 4 Nations Face-Off...very cool👍
in general I like and appreciate the steps forward that EA took this season when it comes to presentation. E.g. player likeness, score clock, replays, toggle visibility pressure meter, coaches likeness, new jersey licences SHL👍
Coming from someone who has absolutely conquered/decimated Arcade and things like Eliminator to dust over the years, I can't help but think this wasn't the best choice to make (especially with 25's current poor reception). I really feel like the team should have focused more on QoL and bug fixes than semi-reintroducing this mode back to the fold (if it is anything like 3on3)
- k9five04 months agoRising Rookie
I welcome the PWHL and 4 Nations but I totally agree, fix the tech issues before these new modes and additions get the same annoyances as the other modes...
- googz804 months agoRising Traveler
How is matchmaking even a problem? This isn't a "NEW" game. This is just an updated version. There is no way EA sports should be going backwards and not moving forward every year. The game play is better this year, but you have completely messed up so many other parts of the game in doing so. Match making should be your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!
- googz804 months agoRising Traveler
Match making should be their number one priority! It boggles my mind how this game goes backwards year after year, rather than progressing.
- Margera094 months agoRising Veteran
That is very true 😅
- EA_Aljo4 months ago
Community Manager
I don't have anything official on this, but I would be surprised if that changed.
EA_Aljo wrote:
While GM Connected had a passionate fanbase, it was a small one.
But there's a very specific reason for that; the mode ran like molasses.
It had everything we ever wanted. Hell - it even had the ability to run a full team of 6v6 humans. That means you could play a league game against an opponent using all humans. It had an iOS app that allowed us to make trades, do free agency, schedule, etc.
It was ahead of its time but strangely enough, it was our first glimpse into server capacity issues that still seem to plague EA to this day.
It annoys me greatly when official EA reps say things like 'GM connected had a small fan base' - seemingly pointing the finger at the customer for not caring enough about the mode.
But, the reality is that people loved the mode so much, the server-load was constantly at capacity. This meant only the most ardant users continued to use the mode while mostly everyone else became tired of the constant grind of simply navigating the interface.
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