Forum Discussion

Halfa_Starr's avatar
Rising Adventurer
2 months ago

Player Archetypes and Customization

I may be in the minority here, but I'm really missing the old old player build types.   Yeah there was the meta builds, but it's no different than now really.

Having a single pool of points instead of being limited to that particular type of attribute was way better.   It allowed for more customization IMHO.   I know there were drawbacks, as there are to this current set up as well...

But I honestly feel the next release wouldn't be a bad time to bring that style back.   ESPECIALLY customizing the flex and curve of your stick for a little bonus (while we're at it, the target shooting mini game too) and the blade radius of your skates.   Basically go back to even having the little boost slots on your gear, this way EA still gets their microtransactions.     It'd just be nice to see THAT level of customization back

8 Replies

  • phomi99's avatar
    Rising Hotshot
    2 months ago

    That's when me and my buddies enjoyed clubs. Funny how we could customize more back then compared to now. I remember if you pre ordered you would get attribute boosted equipment for ur pro.

  • We've been begging for that to come back for years. For me, when they got rid of being able to make your own skater and upgrade him by unlocking your legend card I stopped caring about the game. There's nothing to play for anymore. That's probably by design though, they make a killing from HUT compared to anything else in the game.

  • I'm a huge supporter of the '14 system - It wasn't perfect by any means and we still had meta builds but at least the illusion of choice was there

  • Halfa_Starr's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    2 months ago

     they make a killing from HUT compared to anything else in the game.

    That's what I mean, that system would give them a bit of monetization from the EASHL mode...I remember those little boost slots, or the boosts themselves were like, $2.99 a pop or something. 

  • Halfa_Starr's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    2 months ago

    Same, that's when it was the absolute best AFAIC.   Meta builds existed...but good defence always beat those builds anyways.   It gave us that illusion that we were building a truly custom character.   None of this x-factor garbage

  • oofunkdoctaoo's avatar
    New Novice
    2 months ago

    I definitely agree that eashl could be monetized for them like they used to. But on day 1 of this game they had $90 card packs for sale in hut. They'll never make that kinda dough in eashl. EA's dream scenario is the entire player base going over to HUT, so I think reworking leveling systems and custom sliders for your eashl players are a delusional fantasy. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 months ago

    What do you want brought back? You could previously choose skate radius and flex as well as the boosts that were already mentioned. The X-Factors and boosts in the current game replaced what we had in 14. Except for skate radius and stick flex. In the end, most everyone chooses a meta build anyway instead of building a player that actually compliments their skills and the overall makeup of their team.

    Edit: Apologies. I saw the post I responded to before the one that started this thread. Anyway, I see what you're asking for. My point remains that it would probably be the same as it was previously where most everyone has the same build. I know, not everyone played that way, but it was extremely common. In the end, you're getting the same type of player you have now though. For the most part at least. The perks and abilities are essentially bonuses to specific attributes instead of the just having a pool of points. It still brings about roughly the same type of build. Going back to an old system from NHL 14 doesn't really make sense. Especially with the complaints every year that we copy and paste. Even though it's very obvious there are changes. I also don't think a free-for-all pool of points is the best way to go since it means people will cap out only the attributes the meta supports.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 months ago

    This is absolutely not our dream scenario. Contrary to popular belief, we want you all playing EASHL. Otherwise, why put all the effort and resources into this mode when we only want you to play HUT? If that were the case, we'd only have HUT be available and not all the other modes as well.