Forum Discussion

FantasyAuthor66's avatar
Seasoned Novice
19 hours ago

The most recent tuner has ruined the gameplay. As usual.

The speed of the gameplay is back to hyper super sonic. Nonsense. The slower, realistic speed at release was such a huge step forward toward the game feeling like real hockey. Now we're back to over-the-top, crazy waterbug hockey where everyone flies all over the ice, players essentially ignore collision, and the puck is magnetized to the puck carrier no matter how often they are bumped or poke checked by multiple players. Fun!! *rolls eyes*

Why do you ruin the game every year by rewinding it to the awful, horrendous gameplay the majority of players hated? To appease the alleged "influencers", who bring little to nothing to the table? Do their few thousand views REALLY help sell your product to people who like hockey? People watching them either already have the game or aren't buying it anwyay, because they are living vicariously through these whining crybabies who can't stand it when the game is skill-based and actually plays closer to... and get this... actual hockey. 

Stop screwing with the majority's game for the sake of the minority that you seem to think have all this sway. They don't. Ever talk to the people in game chat who play NHL? Almost every one of them finds those pathetic whiny "influencers" to be narcissistic, annoying, and out of touch with actual hockey and hockey fans. We don't watch them. We don't care what they say or think. We know they don't represent what true hockey fans want in a hockey simulation game, which is what you CLAIM this is supposed to be. That's a fact. 

Get your priorities in order. Listen to the majority. Not the few alleged "influencers" to whom you cater for some unknown reason.  We, the larger community who plays your game and pays to do so, think those are the worst kind of gamers and are far less hardcore fans of actual hockey than the rest of us are.

So ask yourself this: Who is our target market? Hockey fans who want to play a quality hockey simulation (or as close as we can get)? Or toxic, whiny gamers who want all the exploits back in the game so they don't have to adapt to playing a better gaming, hockey experience?

I think we all know the answer already, unfortunately. 

It was a good couple of weeks and very fun while it lasted. Someone let me know when they fix it. I kid! I kid! You and I both know they never will! Because glitchy, exploit, superspeed unrealistic hockey is what sells!!! Wheeeeeeee! 

Maybe I'll check back into the game in a few weeks, though. Or not. The sour taste of this happening every year gets harder and harder to swallow. 

I guess the biggest question is this;

Why bother doing all that revamping and programming and coding and changing of things over the development span, if you're just going to "patch" it back to where it was before? Doesn't your development team feel a bit betrayed and frustrated by all the good work they did over that timeframe to make the game better and improving the realism being completely undone in a matter of a week? I know I would be. 

Anyone disagree? If so, I'd love to hear what part(s) and why.

And if you do agree, make your voice known here. We need to show the team that we are the majority, not the alleged "influencers" to whom they pander. Speak up, real hockey fans!

  • This happens every year. They make changes to improve the game. The streamers all complain because they cant rely on running the same old moves they are used to and then EA updates the tuners and we are right back where we were before.

  • Yeah I really can’t put my finger on it but the game doesn’t feel the same as it did. 

    One thing I’ve noticed is that straight lining wasn’t a viable strategy during early access but now I’ve seen it used so often. The best example of this is Cover Athlete Makar. He  was the best skater in early access but I never saw him skate by everyone. This changed recently as I regularly see players purposely skate the puck to their own zone with CA Makar for the purpose of straight lining all my skaters.

    i don’t know what changed but the slower strategy of the game is not there anymore.

  • From my experience the online gameplay is far closer to simulation hockey when teams players overalls are scattered in the high 60's, 70's and maybe a player or two in the low 80's. Once you start getting users who have teams that are low - mid 80's overall, the game speed far surpasses anything you will see in the NHL. 

    Wildcard mode in HUT is one of the best things that has happened to the game in a long time. The horrendous penalty shot for any penalty needs to be completely done away with but other than that it is a far better experience than Rivals. Anybody who complains they have to pay attention to their players fatigue/stamina levels or that they can't easily blow past everybody doesn't want an actual simulation hockey game. 


    • Greyinsi's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      There doesnt have to be tuner, patch works as well. The tuner mostly only changes slider positions. The patch can change all the defaults of the variables (or how tuning is calculated) that the tuner is supposed to then fine tune. This was confirmed 22(?) by Aljo. 

      The patches could have altered how the speed etc is calculated or the default speed variable, but why? Makes no sense to speed up the game as its now. Hope its a mistake and they accidentally pushed legacy code etc. and will revert. Not the first time with this series…

      • SummerOfDekes's avatar
        Seasoned Vanguard

        I mean, they CAN change how the game plays in a patch, but I don't think there was anything like that mentioned in the recent patch notes.

        I think the likely answer here is that the gameplay hasn't actually changed, people are just getting used to the game. Personally, I don't think the game really feels any different than when it released early.

    • Jolay1515's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      The players know that they changed something and whether it's technically a tuner or an unmentioned patch note is just arguing semantics.