X-factor/abilities clarification and suggestion
EA_Aljo I was just wondering if the Stick 'Em Up ability helped with stick lifts as well or just pokechecks. I don't think it does, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
And as for my suggestion, if you look at all the different tools defenders use in real life hockey, they're all pretty well represented in the gold X-factors list for defenders in WoC. For hitting, you have gold Truculence, Stick 'Em Up for pokechecks, Tape-To-Tape for more offensive-minded defensemen who like to pass, etc.
One gold X-factor that's missing for defenders, however, is Yoink. A lot of defensemen love to pokecheck, but my personal favorite method of separting players from the puck is to skate alongside them and stick lift them. It seems kinda silly to me that, as a defenseman, I can choose between Stick 'Em Up and Shutdown X-factors that both do the same thing, but I can't get gold Yoink even though stick lifting is a key tool in playing defense.
Having a gold version of Yoink for some of the defensive builds would be great, especially since it's a big part of hockey and only forward builds have it currently.
Hey there. Stick 'em up only affects pokes and DSS. It doesn't help with stick lifts.
I'll pass on the feedback for Yoink. Thanks!