Forum Discussion

Blambo_svk's avatar
Rising Novice
4 days ago

Enough cheating from EA

I really don't know 5 internet providers, but the game is still bad, I really don't know anymore.

It's not normal to have a player who can't skate at the speed they have, whether online or offline, I'm not talking about energy, the game just starts and you don't have energy on any lane after 3 minutes in the game, it's unreal how bad the game is and isn't it able to be fixed or write the truth. For money, we even get our knee drilled.

those reflections are unreal, although it is a hockey simulator, but I would call this a simulator of a broken game.I don't see the point of playing when the game throws logs at the feet, sorry, even the log goes through the player's body because here it is normal, I don't know how in the USA you walk through walls, but not here in EUROPE because it is unrealistic.I'm adding a few notes that your fraud game is great and that's why you play it and support fraud by this company, it's legal. But your name or if you sell something more expensive and get banned, it's illegal.

you want a recording, but you need to make sure that the energy is visible, in the next video a guy without energy was playing well and sprinting, while your player was still without energy after the substitution. And those reflections are an incredible fail.

it is normal ?

next level skill

if you can only see on one side and everything is only a problem with the buyers, then it's not like that, your game has been out of order for a long time, but this year you have gone so far that this nhl is just a joke on the game, even if it's bad. That's why we want video live as what NHl superintendent is there and fixing it.

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