I feel your pain fellow gamer I’ve received a total of 6 games losses in squad battles for games I was winning out right with video and photo prove was told the losses would not be fixed knowing they don’t give in game live update warnings all. Nope they do a live updates domes and do not warn the gamers if playing we will kick you off the server witch makes you lose connection as a result we get losses play you way they say false marketing. We can’t pick our own XP path player at 50 no they pick for us why not let us play our way and pick our way EA build our team the way we want not the way you decide it based on a player B.Tkachuk let us pic a player that fits a players team needs. Making us pick up 5 of the 1 of 5 players I find useless we should only pick 1 of the 1 of 5 once and the rest of the 4 packs that would normally be the other 4 players turn those packs into 5,000 coin packs for total of 20,000 coins just a suggestion would nice of you give back in ways you took from us how would use to get coins and even took our daily coins just so EA can push out more packs greedy