Forum Discussion

Steeler8820's avatar
5 hours ago

Moderators/ EA Devs / Community

To all, 

Please continue to share your issues with EA. The moderator of this forum (unnamed) encourages it. See below for his post just a few days ago talking about what he welcomes on this forum. 

“We want the EA NHL forums to be a welcome and friendly place for all. This doesn't mean we don't accept negative feedback. As long as it's constructive and not breaking the rules, that's fine. We want to hear what you're struggling with as  much as we want to know what you're liking.”

Please, do yourself a favor and go through any thread on here that discusses 1. Pack prices 2. Reward path 3. Broken economy etc etc etc. 

This particular moderator is only responding to what he wants to respond to. IE, he is not accepting negative feedback around certain subjects. They clearly do not want to hear what we are struggling with, otherwise they’d respond to one of the 50+ threads that talks about it! Shoot, at least give us some lip service of “I have passed this along to the team”. I’d stop posting about it instantly! At least at that point we understand that someone at EA has acknowledged us. I have doubts they’ll fix it regardless. 

I am beyond disappointed with how low EA is going with the rollout of this game and particularly HUT. Please take this moderators advice and share all of your negative feedback in a constructive way which doesn’t break the rules. They want to hear what we are struggling with, they just don’t address it.

I am unsure of what else to even say at this point. They have an entire fanbase of their largest game mode asking questions & giving feedback which they are intentionally choosing to avoid. Go into this mod’s account & you will see he is very active in responding to stuff, just not anything involving certain topics. Sad. 

To the unnamed mod, I don’t blame you. I blame the company you work for. It’s a shame they put you in this position with no other air cover & or real support… but you are the community manager, and you’re INTENTIONALLY AVOIDING SUBJECTS. I’m sure those above you are telling you to stay silent, just frustrating. I hope someday someone at EA wakes up. But, my guesses are a $500 pack comes out before that happens. 

Please, EA. Do something. Address your loyal community. It’s so embarassing for you to stay silent through this. 

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