Forum Discussion

tay01010101's avatar
New Rookie
25 days ago

Where are the Transactions cards?

First of all, bravo to the team for adding the PWHL cards as I and others have asked about previously. They are awesome and I am looking forward to more. 

I was wondering where the Transactions cards have been? There have been some big trades the past few weeks, I was surprised not to see a new Jiricek, Trouba, or any of the players in the big Sharks/Aves trade. They seem like slam dunk easy cards to make. 

Given recent patterns, these cards will probably drop tomorrow lol. But just putting this out there.

2 Replies

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    25 days ago

    Hi there. I'll pass the feedback on to the team. Thanks!

  • tay01010101's avatar
    New Rookie
    10 hours ago

    These cards did get added, silently! I don't think there was ever a banner. Pass on my appreciation to the team. Now that Transaction cards are back, I'd just put out there the blockbuster PWHL trade from last week—involving Victoria Bach, Jocelyne Larocque, Savannah Harmon, and Hayley Scamurra.