Forum Discussion

EvaElfieSimp's avatar
Rising Traveler
4 years ago

Custom gameplay sliders don't save

Product: NHL 22
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to edit settings in the game menu, or in Be a pro menu, or in franchise menu. Then go in game and you'll see that the changes are not saved and you need to edit it manually each game.
What happens when the bug occurs? When you edit settings in the game menu, or in Be a pro menu, or in franchise menu, the settings don't change while you play in game. When you go in game, you'll see that the changes are not saved and you need to edit it manually each game. If you go back to the main menu tho, you'll see that your changes to the sliders are there, they don't translate in game.
What do you expect to see? When you edit sliders, they should be saved with no need to edit them in game each game.
Was the issue in online or offline mode? Offline
Insert Game Mode or Feature here Be a pro, franchise mode and normal play mode, basically everywhere.
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM) 16:30
What is your time zone? EST (IET) - GMT - 5:30
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Billynator24
PS4 Crash Reporting: Please copy the text you put in the crash report here.
EASHL issues? Please insert your Club Region.
What is your game language? English

It's just annoying as hell especially with the ridiculously low reception ease slider.

20 Replies

  • EvaElfieSimp's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    4 years ago

    Exactly, it always revert to default setting. I hope it gets fixed soon, it's pretty annoying. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago


    Now I see what you mean. When loading into the game, the changes reverted. I'll pass this on to the dev team, but I don't know if/when this will be addressed. When I have some news, I'll let you know.

  • kyl_35's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    4 years ago
    @EA_Aljo Do the changes stick once you go to play a game, though? I’m understanding they’re staying in that menu, but not once the game is loaded
  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago


    I tested this out and it's working for me. What I'm doing is loading into BAP. Then I go to Settings > Gameplay Sliders. I make my chances and hit Save. Then, I exited and hit Save and Exit. When I load back in, my changes are still in place. Is that what you're doing?

  • EvaElfieSimp's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    4 years ago

    Yes I'm changing the gameplay sliders. I think that 23 for pass reception ease is way too low and it's unplayable for me. NHL players don't miss easy pass as often as in the game right now, that's too unrealistic for me. That's why it's bothering me a lot, because I really need to change it everygame or my be a pro player misses 75% of passes. Si I raise it to 50 in the menu, but when I go in game, it's still at 23.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago


    Just to be clear, you're changing the gameplay sliders, right? Or are you changing the preset options under Quick Settings and having those not save? Thanks!

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago


    Thanks for letting me know. I'll pass these details on and will let you know when I have an update.

  • EvaElfieSimp's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    4 years ago

    It doesn't work sadly. When I return in the Be a pro menu and I got back to my settings, they are changed, it just doesn't appear in game and I need to change them.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 years ago

    Hi there, @EvaElfieSimp.

    Try changing the settings and then exit out of the mode and choose to save and exit. Then, load back into that same mode and check to see if they're saved. Let me know. Thanks!

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