I would like to add a very relevant anecdote. After @Fredbooger 's comment on lag compensation, I thought I would ask my friend who I played the other night (mentioned him in a previous comment on this post) about his internet connection since I experienced so much delay in that game.
He lives in a region outside of my town (acreages) and runs internet at 1/5th the speed of my connection (I run gigabit wired internet on cat 6e cables) and his system tops out at 200 mb/s down (which should be enough) but usually is much lower than that. The big problem I noticed is that he runs a wireless connection.
Again, he said the play was super smooth for him, and he doesn't have any problems when playing NHL 22 online. However he mentioned that his lag is horrible when playing call or duty.
I on the other hand, have the exact opposite problem. Call of duty and other games run perfect and lag free for me (as my great internet connection should provide), however NHL online is horrible.
Remote location, slower internet (with fluctuation), wireless connection, and plays seamlessly in NHL but has horrible lag in call of duty and other games.
That kind of sounds like lag compensation to me. I would love to hear the feedback on this when the dev team looks into it. Would it be possible to ask you to provide updates on the progress of the investigation & what is being done as opposed to us just waiting on a conclusion? I think many of the people hear just want a little transparency and I for one would love to hear when the dev team starts looking into this issue, if they start to have some initial findings, or even when we should expect to hear a response, because it's a little hard to be in the dark for weeks hearing that we'll be notified if there's an update. I know it takes time to investigate this and all of our anecdotal data can't give a clear solution to the problem, but I really hope that it can give some ideas to the team to look into and hopefully fix this problem.
It really shouldn't penalize good connections to allow people with slow connections to play seamlessly. Usually even if I'm experiencing some delay I might be able to grind a game out if I'm that much better than the other player, but it's really not fair to those who want to enjoy this game competitively. I'd say about half my losses are the result of this delay, it really ruins online gameplay.