The game gets worse with any day passes by …
Yesterday I played a game, up 2-0 after the 1st and the connect was very bad. Then the 2nd period starts and what happend?
Look at time index 13:15 in the video: Rob Blake (4) gets the puck after a faceoff win and stands completly still, none of my controller inputs worked.
A moment later at 13:23 Jack Eichel (15) recieves a pass and the same happend. The controller was not disconnectet nor the battery was empty or I'm away
from the game and don't do inputs. At that time it starts that the game was more unplayable than ever. U manaeged to go up 3-0 but the rest of the game I had no chance.
Total delayed. Look at the animations, every puck goes too my opponent. At 17:30 the pass goes aagin through my stick and he scored again makes it 3-2 …
It's a 94 Chychrun can't intercept a pass. At 19:40 my players lost another battle at the boards and all CPU players leave the zone cause they don't react to what happend in the game.
4-3 down … 24:05 … next goal aginst. I'm so slow and my CPU too, he can drive cycles around me. 25:45 can't clear the puck, cause all reacted late again. 6--3
27:40 … it happend again. Bisonette ⚽ recieves a puck in the corner and he reacts again to no inputs from the controller.
Puck goes away from Bisonette and the next player gets the puck took the shot input from Bisonette 5 sconds before.
Nice that EA has removed the controller indicators in the replay (now I know why cause it would shown the input).
That was a verty bad player with a bad team and again that fatman PLUS lag made it impossible to win the game.
Today I tried to start another game and see what happens:
1. Game (unplayable again): The game had 4 loops at diffrent times in the 1st and bug out.
2. Game: Faceoff loop from the start
3. Game: another very bad player with a bad team – fatman lag as hell … lost
4. Game: Faceoff loop again from start.
All games between 6 an 10 ms ping with no packte losses.
Here the uncut video from the loops …
At 6:01 next game starts – loop again