Penalties and General Feedback
I'm genuinely curious as to why you guys don't actually fix known issues within your game, such as boarding being called when you body check someone remotely close to the boards, regardless of the direction of the hit or their relative position when contacting the boards?
Also, in Be A Pro mode, why is every boarding call made a 5 minute major and a 10 minute misconduct?
In addition to these things, why not open up all the packs and sets for the previous year's game after about 6 months into the current season's game? Also, why not open up all packs for purchase at a highly discounted price for the previous year's game? Why not continue to feed in players and sets and what not into the previous year's version of the game? At this point, it has to be essentially free money for you guys, so why not keep it going?
You don't make any significant differences to the crowd or the rules, you basically update the AI and mess with the controllers a little every year for tweaks, so you can't tell me that you don't have the ability to have like Dave from R&D keep a port open online for the previous year's game... Let it run at a lower cost for everyone until the end of the offseason beyond current season's game.
You guys really need to get someone in there who cares about hockey and the people that play these games. I've been playing the EA brand since the inception of the game, and I am feeling more and more like you guys don't care anymore...