Pulled a Larkins X-Factor, card never sent to my collection.
On 10/15 I purchased a deck from the shop and pulled Larkins x-factor card. I was happy given the money I have spent on decks so I went to my collection to start upgrading the player. Well, no Larkins to upgrade in my collection. I checked my inbox, and items, but Larkins was not found. This was very disappointing to say the least given that I expect to have cards pulled available in my collection after I send them to it.
Is there any remediation for this behavior or a way to run a query to see what cards my user ID has pulled? I am guessing that stored in the back end somewhere there is a history of all pulls by a unique customer ID and all transactions. Is it possible to get this card reinstated? It completely threw a wrench in building my team. Disappointing to say the least as I have maybe pulled 3 quality cards out of 300 bucks spent on decks. Can I trade in all of my silver cards for it since they seem to provide no value whatsoever?
Thank You
Hi there, @JockoGood
This is something an advisor is going to need to investigate. To get in touch with one, please open a case here. Thank you.