3 years ago
Unable to purchase Gems - Error Message
I have not been able to purchase gems for any game for 4 days. I have tried another card still same error. It says go to homepage
[CM - updated title and merged similar post together for better visibilty]
**Update Marking this Post as Solved for better visibility, see information below***
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for letting us know about what you are experiencing with Pogo. If you are currently running into an issue with purchasing Gems Please let us know the following.
- Screen Name:
- Location:
- Payment Method Type (Visa, MasterCard, Paypal, etc.
- Case number (if you have one)
- Should you have an active club pogo?
- When was the last time you could successfully purchase Gems?
- Are you getting an error message? (If so please provide)
- Please also list any troubleshooting you have tried, as well as a screenshot of the error: