1. NSA ratings are gone. That is a major downgrade. My theory on that is that Pogo has decided to save money by not paying the NSA some sort of fee they charge to have the ratings.
2. Game mechanics have been dis-improved. Letter tiles do not land on the square where they are dropped unless the pointer is centered in the tile AND the tile is centered on the square before dropping it (just one or the other being centered is not enough). Also, the squares are smaller, which makes that issue worse.
3. The "Expert" bots (the highest level bots you have) are still awful players, as they have been ever since the Pogo Scrabble re-vamp before this one. I beat them every game. In the Pogo Scrabble game before the last one, the Expert level wasn't even the top bot level (there were 5 levels: Novice / Beginner / Intermediate / Expert / Master), but that earlier less-than-top-level Expert bot was a challenge to play, beating me most of the time. My own rating was Expert on that older game (due to the rating reset for the newer game, my rating on that hadn't risen to Expert yet).
4. I prefer to play the original game by the original "Traditional" rules. I think the Pogo "Classic" House rules were a good alternative game (especially for children, because the lexicon is censored). But I think that the new additional variations are completely unnecessary. I suppose I can get used to the additional weeding through the choices to find the "Traditional" button each session.
5. I didn't see any option to play a human (of similar skill or even random)! Has that been removed, too? That's another major downgrade.
6. I don't like having to "unlock" the normal-looking classic game board.
I want to play the classic game of Scrabble, against either a bot that is challenging or a human of similar skill to my own, with the NSA ratings, and without having to "unlock" a normal-looking board.