Forum Discussion
Garden Blast How do you get past level 200? No coins left to buy anything.
- EA_Illium4 years ago
Community Manager
@CwizzyLU To confirm are you getting an error message, or is the game freezing?- 3 years ago
Part through the game and only some items fell and game froze.
- 3 years ago@Player_l3t6vdmp That's terrible!
- 3 years ago@EA_Illium same here can not get level 171 done tryed over ans over unreal
- 3 years ago
game loads 80 percent and will not finish loading for the last several days
- 3 years ago@shar37620 Try cleaning your cache and history on your computer. It just might help.
- 3 years ago@CwizzyLU why can't there be an option to selevt what level we want to play like other games that you have on pogo? please try to fix it, i cant get past level 200 and i shouldnt have to buy powerups to get past it, im on low income! thank you
- 3 years ago
First off Pogo does not care about their old timers ..FACT..been on level 200 4ever..there is 27 pages of people saying they cant even play the anniversery challenges..because of Garden Blast..Im one of them..Not gonna spend any more money on gems or games ..already spent 40.00 NO MORE..Pogo needs to fix this NOW...they can only celebrate because of us paying their fees...No Respect for us any more...
- 3 years ago@Indiansiouxx Agreed!!!!
- 3 years ago@siriusattheglen I totally agree - I'll not be going forward with the new competition because of level 200
- 3 years ago@siriusattheglen I can't pass level 200. It is impossible unless you want to buy a lot of the power balls. Which I had 72 gems. I used all of them and still did not get the game. I canceled my subscription because they are making games now too hard and you have to buy gems. No fun anymore.
- 3 years ago
I've had over a dozen emails from the 'help people' and have gotten nowhere. I too am quitting Pogo as soon as it's time to renew. They have blocked hundreds of us from playing and finishing 2 challenges now, plus a weekly and Sept. game is to be garden blast as well. At this point, I am getting the feeling they might want us all to quit Pogo and go elsewhere to play. Could someone be trying to sabotage Pogo?
- 3 years ago
I can't get through 200 either. We have two or three different challenges that I can't complete because of this. I wish they would let us go back to the beginning. So, I can get all the challenges done like I always do.
- 3 years ago
I can't get through Game 200 either. We have two or three different challenges that I can't complete because of this. I wish they would let us go back to the beginning. So, I can get all the challenges done like I always do.
- 3 years ago@cdefiore984 They won't do that. This is my reply to this 2nd feedback: Like many of the others, when my time for renewal comes up in Dec. I won't be, after all these years and the thousand dollars or more that I have spent, I would have thought that this would have been resolved. Now, the only emails I get are from others that are upset and angry too. The emails from the staff are now no longer 'able to reply as they no longer have a viable link'. One said to check all the legalities. Maybe you should also check the legalities of developing games designed to make player spend hundreds of dollars on gems just to be able to get through extremely hard levels!
- 3 years ago
I'm fed up too - I've been a member for 20 years and won't be renewing - they have ruined the fun aspect of the games and are not listening to the players good bye Pogo!!
- 3 years ago
Same with me. This months challenges just won't be accomplished by me. It would be nice to be able to go back and play prior games...
- 3 years ago
I agree but even then, you can't choose the levels, they are random and ones that have gotten through all 250 have said that the hardest ones come up a lot.
- 3 years ago
- 3 years ago
I have the same problem! Frustrating.
- 3 years ago
The consensus is Garden Blast is a terrible game. I’m a game purist, playing games solely by mastering the game and not succeeding with the help of power ups or any other help purchased by gems. Like so many others, I was stuck on level 200 with over two weeks remaining in the challenge. Without the pressure of an eminent deadline, I just relaxed and tried to keep from getting too frustrated. Playing several dozen times a day, by chance I got a favorable starting layout and won the game without power ups. Persistence and endurance proved it can be done. If you would like to read about my predictions of POGO in the future, click on my name and read my post “Signs of the future” that was written prior to finishing the challenge.
- 3 years ago@BigCopperGuy same here on level 171 stuck will not let me get it
- 3 years ago
same here im here to play have fun well its not fun went you use a tones of gems and still cant get it level 171
- 3 years ago
I can't get past 149 level it just keeps spinning and then times out. Thank you
- 2 years ago
Pogo Garden Blast level 300. Could not win, so after using 8 tools- which gets very expensive having to use gems to buy seeds that are needed for power ups/tools- I was able clear the screen- win - but the counter for the bubbles did not update-- it showed 2 bubbles left while there were none shown on the board. I am very annoyed because I spent a ton on power ups to get beyond this level, and even after winning-- could not get credit for the win or move to another level. I am tired of the costs of these power-ups and gems. I have lost these in the past and just ate it--- but enough is enough. I want to be credit for all spent on level 300 this week and I want to be moved past the level. I feel so cheated.
- 2 years ago
Yes very fed up with being cheated out of gems and power ups on level 300 will not buy any more gems for any games and probably not renew my subscription as I am fed up with it. I hate companies that steal money, time and effort. If everyone stopped paying out it might put things right and fair
- 3 years ago@CwizzyLU I am having the same issue being playing it for3 to4 days and cannot win it
- 2 years ago
Been playing for awhile and suddenly it's not saving my progress anymore and keeps shooting me back to level 60 and I don't know why
- 2 years ago
@mew155 @lonely44lU ~ Hi, from my own experience with the Garden Blast game, it seems that freezing or loading issues seem to happen during or after heavy play for extended periods of time. Try doing a "hard refresh of your browser." (See below post to practical925.)
Coincidentally, your issues might have occurred during the time that EA Pogo added 20 new levels to GB. Hopefully, everything has worked out for you by now ~ Good Luck!
- 3 years ago
I have the same problem, just on a lower level. will not buy anything.
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