7 months ago
Developer suggestion.
Developer suggestion. Extra rewards: for those players getting badges after wars, how about giving them some items. Suggestions Most energy use: Pump Most attacks: war items most items on friend...
The bounty for winning a war and other stuff like club challenge should be proportional.
Why should those doing the bulk of the fighting get the same as those just doing the minimum?
For our team we play as a team so sometimes players can do a lit and sometimes they can't. We win or lose as a team. If someone comes in at the end and helps secure the win with a 3000 hit that hit was just as important as others. It's a team effort so I think the prize should be equal but it would be cool to get a prize for a badge
It's not so bad when they make up for it by smashing Club Challenge, otherwise there would be no reason to keep them in the club 🤣
We've been going a long time. Loyalty
is the key 👍
I like the idea of additional prizes linked to badges.