Why is there no search filter in the Global Trade HQ? - Global Trade HQ works in a way that every item sold is created by another player. Certain items have a higher demand than others, and generally the high demand items will sell a lot quicker than the low demand ones.
SOLUTION = TABS this will show what items are out there and prices all at once. No search necessary.
Why is there no variety in the Global Trade HQ? - It all works based on the laws of Supply and Demand. Each item placed in the Global Market is created by another player. Certain items sell more than others, causing the overall share of particular items to be higher for items that have a high supply.
COMMENT = Are you adding in the need for different levels and the supply and demand for each particular player level not item?
Why can’t we buy things from the Global Trade HQ directly instead of having to travel to the seller’s city? - The Global Trade HQ works like an advertisement catalogue for each player.
COMMENT = This is nice to be showcase but not necessary to attach it to the GLobal Trade, take a page out of "Clash of Clans" play book!
Are you taking player feedback into account when developing new content and updates for the game? - Yes, we do.
COMMENT = NOT REALLY! It seems that the community is directly calling for a RE-HAUL of the GTHQ and not simple small fixes that are frustrating / irritating to your players!