Trade HQ is utterly useless ... wait 30 secs for my next response
1003 etc etc
8 million users you say and what I get is a 32 sellers in which nearly half sell the same item but not the high demand item which everyone needs. Its quite obvious the Developers purposely created this scenario in order to force players to spend their cash .. Free to play until it prohibits you from achieving your goal. Rewarding your city with items but unfortunately not equally with items required to increase storage, expanded , rebuild or upgrade. So to fix any of this will undermine EA ability to cash in, that s it in a nuts shell. So what is left but to fix the crashing of Trade HQ and tweak the Trade HQ for fair balance, in the sense to what balance they referring to is unknown to us users because what they have done was created they unbalance in the first place.
It a bloody pickle is it not . how can this be done and still get user to buy simoleons ?
good luck with that