Okay, it was cool for about 5 minutes. Already I can't repair my city from a war because the game is asking for things that I can't even make yet in the region. And now I just don't even want to play the region because it's way too much to try to make all of these items AND play war, AND have enough storage to store things, including the increase storage items. I fully agree with others in the thread that the storage increases are going to need to be easier if you want people to keep playing. And to FORCE me to have to continue the region to get items for war is just messed up.
1) add more storage abilities / less expansion items needed to increase storage / a separate storage place for your city vs. region
2) don't require us to play the region to play all the other games within the game (War, city challenges). Especially right away.
3) the game should know that I can't make certain things yet and NOT require them for war repairs. (WAY messed up)
4) Option to delete the region once started - I'm about to just not play anymore, which is sad, because I REALLY like playing war. Wish I would've never opened that region now that I can't get rid of it and it's now made the game 10x more time consuming than previously.