This is the WORST update I have ever seen. I have so many issues with it I don't even know where to begin. I'm a long time player, maxed out on storage (600), land, mountain, beach, etc. I have over 4 million population and money isn't a problem for me. This new update is making it extremely difficult for me so I can't imagine other people with much lower storage. The main issues I have are:
1) Storage: There are 9 new items that can be produced (3 each per region), and 3 new materials (1 each per region). If I want to be competitive during a war or competition, I will need to store even MORE items that my storage can barely handle, even at 600. Let's say I want to try and store 5 of each item and material. That's 54 storage slots. Not to mention all the dozer I need to start saving again. Now if I could just ignore these areas and keep playing how I want to that would be fine but no, we are FORCED to develop these areas so we can produce the new items and materials. Storing war items was already difficult but they at least raised the storage to 600. If the storage is raised to 700+, it won't provide immediate relief and this change is irrelevant to those with less than 600 storage now.
2) Currencies: It wouldn't be as bad to develop a new area if I could use my millions of simoleons but no, I have to start completely over, broke as a joke. If I wanted to restart a new City, I would just re-install the game. I now have to manage 8 currencies (1. Simoleons, 2. Neo $, 3. Sim Cash, 4. Golden Keys, 5. Platinum Keys, 6. Leaf $, 7. Cactus $?, 8. Bowl with chop sticks $???). I've never seen a game with SO MANY CURRENCIES.
3) Competition/War: I am now being required to collect new currencies for a competition assignment... again forcing me to develop a City I had no desire to build. I have very little currency so collecting 250 leaf $ took me hours, for a 1666 point assignment...unbelievably burdensome. War deliveries and repairs require the new items as well. I can't make 66% of them, and they're no where to be found.
4) NOT Self-Sufficient: They make you feel like the Cities are separate however both the new regions and the Capital City (Main City) require items from each other, forcing you to switch back and forth to the different stores/factories to fulfill shipments, repairs, development, assignments, etc. Needing to load each City every time is too time consuming and frustrating.
CONCLUSION: EA had the right idea of allowing us to expand areas however they missed the point. We should be able to expand our MAIN CITY where we can use our existing resources. These new areas are making it overly burdensome for those wanting to be competitive in Wars/Competition due to increasing the demand to an already overloaded storage system.
I try not to complain without providing possible solutions:
1) Do not require me to need materials/items from other regions: Make a new storage system exclusive to each region. Expanding storage capacity in each region can use original storage items but should start small like 5 each, just like the dozer for land expansion in these areas.
2) Remove "region" items being required in War/Competition: It's just unnecessary
3) Make "region" areas optional: Stop forcing me to do something I don't want to do. At least war was optional, for the most part.