New region should come with free storage, best to have it together with the capital city. We all know the storage upgrade is way too unreasonable and $$ consuming. At one point, people will give up playing this game because it is unrealistic to keep up with enormous amount of items required to enjoy the game.
Make storage expansion easier, give out even free storage expansion items in Daniel city daily. Let players spend time making items and enjoy building the city, and not worry about those storage expansion items.
The new update also made the CoM into a Hunger's game. Why must the chest be only for the top 25 players of the club? Why can't everyone (more than 25 ppl) contribute and enjoy (be happy) the chance of winning legendary chest. EA, you don't gain popularity nor extra cashflow with this new rule. So please revert to the old rule, i.e. minimum 3000 plumbob points to win club chest please.