@EA_Lanna wrote:
Hi @Flack145,
On hearing back on how the investigation is going, these investigations are carried out internally and we can't issue updates on that I'm afraid.
While we can't offer updates, please know that we do greatly appreciate the reports. The cheating reports you send in really do help us in our efforts to identify and action cheaters in game. To that end, thank you for sending in a report and thanks for caring and being passionate about clamping down on cheating.
- EA_Lanna
I'm going to take the courage to quote you and tell you, that your system to address this problem is bad and inefficient, for the simple reason that the users that we play, we continue again and again going through these problems and having these bad experiences.
Calling patience and asking us to report again and again, and to go to bed to sleep knowing that '' they are doing something '', is not the solution, I do not want to be this rude and so sincere, but it is the reality.
The big problem is that finding a cheater in COM, or a cheater club in club wars, is that at the time that happens, we automatically lose our good experience, and we don't get it back.
If any Community Manager play this game or at least know a little, knows that a COM is weekly and is a lot of effort, so, is hard for us put so many effort and the last day, a cheater appears and destroy our entire week. Yes, we report that player, but we get a response like 3 days later or more. Also with club wars, we reported the club, and EA answered like 4 days laters saying '' we sent the info to the team, thanks'', we don't care!!!! can you see it? that war is over, and EA did nothing less than answered days later, but the bad experience already happened, they already made fun of us, they already put states in their Bios inside the game saying that we are stupid by playing honestly, they already made a mess, they already ruined our game, and that war ended long ago. Apart from that, we do not receive any compensation for this.
there are COM players who lose the 2000 cash trophy, and to achieve that they had to use many resources and more cash, so that a cheater player took that prize, weeks later, we did not receive any compensation.
If it takes weeks to EA to discover a cheater player, and in the process we receive neither information nor compensation, then the system is bad. It's that simple.
so it is frustrating to hit the war button, and to meet an enemy that is a hacker, and to know that we can not do anything, because unfortunately, we know that we already lost 2 days in this game, just to sit and wait for the days, although we report the club, nothing is going to happen, luckily EA will answer that they will send the information to the team, but nothing more (if we are lucky to receive a answer before the end of the war).
I started playing again, we started a war, and yes, they are hackers, what do we do? We report, for what? We lost the fun again.
This is a big problem and they have to solve it!
I remember years ago playing on another game, where the game began, I barely saw that the enemy made strange movements, there was a button to call moderator, came and attended to the case. Here the wars last 2 days, and the COM last a week and it is impressive that nothing happens... Man !!! Come on! wake up EA!
The part that irritates me the most and that is why I come to the forum to vent, is to see how these players write in their Bios inside the game, things like:´´EA does nothing, if you want to report, do it, nothing will happen, hahahaha ''
Yes I am totally weak, they achieve their goal, they really make me very angry. Jesus