Forum Discussion
@MannyJabrielle wrote:
Came to the forums to say one specific thing. The global trade hq is useless ever since I hit the level where i could produce sugar-n-spices. Everytime i open the hq, 9 out 10 items will be sugar and spice.I have not seen an item for storage, land, or beach expansions in days, and some of the parts for weeks. Its sugar and spices galore, with a smattering of glass panes, iron, maybe some wood.... its a none stop cavalcade of sugar and spices. The HQis flodded with sugar and spices. I cant get the stench of sugar and spices out of my nose for hours after going into the HQ.
Are you tired of reading the words "sugar and spices" in this post? Not nearly as tired as I am of seeing only sugar and spices in the market screen. Its getting to where I may stop playing the game all together because of bow broken this is. It is broken because in order to find expansion parts, I eed to pay cash, scrounge thought bubbles, watch the advert videos.... and pray I get lucky and do not get sugar ad spice as a reward... which has happened no less than four times in an hour today.
Seriously stop with the damn sugar and spices. I want to play simcity, not the east india trading company sugar and spice clerk simulator.
Enough, enough with the sugar and spices. I AM SICK OF SUGAR AND SPICES.
Sugar ad spices, sugar and spices, Sugar ad spices, sugar and spices
I couldn't agree more and have even mentioned this before. But to compound the problem is that the majority of people are trying to sell oversupplied items at the full price!! Unlike true market conditions when there is a surplus of products they must be discounted to sell, these rules dont seem to apply to mayors. Yes we all know that the COM produces an unreasonably large amounts of products to sell. And unfortunately, or fortunately the game removes from your storage counts the items as soon as you put them up for sale. If you dont need the simeoleans right away, then who cares if they sit in your Trade HQ forever? I never seem to have a problem moving items Ive produced because I sell everything I make at the minimum price or a little less. And its not just sugar and spice. Burgers, cheese fries, wood, metal etc also need to take heed. I generally wont even click on these items when shopping so the sellers are losing exposure to their other items. It contributes to the frustration when having to search for items you need. In fact so much, I tend to make almost everything I need for epics and the contest, rather than deal with the market
Thank you for having the courage to bring this up
- Anonymous9 years ago
This is nothing new with the game since the beginning. They sell them at "full price" because eventually Mayor Dan will buy them - so why not list them at full price if they will be sold eventually?
Someone else may be seeing shoes, shoes, shoes, or canvases, etc... The rare items like land expansion are what makes the game last longer and allow us to finish it in one weekend. The true way to get these items is click on the thought bubbles and the more bubbles you touch, the more chance of finding more rare items. So it comes down to more screen time unfortunately.
- 8 years ago
I just had to google this because I was getting sick of S&S too. And it seems that nothing has changed. IMO there should be some kind of limit how many same type of items are showed, usually at least half of the items are S&S. Highly annoying when I'm in a hurry and I need something else. S&S doesn't even seem to be needed for anything, at least not yet. Nobody asks to buy S&S and I can't use S&S to make anything.
- Anonymous8 years agoGood day,
I believe everyone is tired of the sugar and spice overload in GHQ. I don't believe this is all about mayors challenge requesting sugar and spice as an assignment, this is poor player tactics. If you visit one or many of these players store they are loaded to the roof, next day same thing, next week same again and so on.
The process is more likely a result of poor planing. Sugar and spice is easy to make and doesn't take very long in the players factory and when a player without much gaming experience goes in the GHQ and sees all the sugar and spice at full price they get dollar sign eyes and start making it like crazy daily.
I have been completing the mayors challenges for weeks and sugar and spice has never come up as a production assignment. I realize that this might not be the same for everyone but EA is aware of this issue and the assigments are deligated by EA staff on a per challenge basis (real time) as seen by the addition of many war assignments last challenge and few this challenge, without an update.
I'm strongly convinced this is the players causing this mess and aside from making sugar and spice worthless it out of EA hands.
@pengamia Addapting your habbits to feeding into this mess by never producing sugar and spice is madness and is not the answer. Always produce your own sugar and spice and let these players sit on thier stores packed with sugar and spice forever and maybe it will stop. Same thing with pizza, burgers, cheesecake and icecream sandwiches. Make you own and never use GHQ for these items and the greedy players looking to make a quick stack of coins will stop, maybe.
Myself and a couple of our club members did a GHQ real time selling test, we put a few high priced items (pizza, burgers, cheesecake, etc) in our store advertised then we used X12 multipliers and made nails by the truckload. The high priced items never moved even with a constant flow of visiters buying nails but the nails sold as fast as we could make them throughout the entire hour. Clearly showing that most of the people playing this game have no clue how to manage any type of manufactured product distribution in a real time market enviroment. I would challenge anyone that reads this reply to try this real time market movement test with any quickly produced item we used nails for the speed and quantity factor but even most other factory items move as fast as you can make them.
If this was a mayors challenge flaw then many factory items would be an issue in the GHQ but it's only sugar and spice and glass is becoming a problem. Also the high priced items but that's obviously mindless greed considering the selling price.
Thanks for reading my rant and please NEVER BUY SUGAR AND SPICE or consider yourself the root cause of our Global market crash.
- 7 years ago
Frustrating. Whatever the reason is, this issue is annoying as f#@% and breaks the game. A basic rule of quota per type of product displayed could solve this sh@#%.
Sorry but my language reflects my feeling.
- Anonymous7 years ago
@29axe-dh wrote:Frustrating. Whatever the reason is, this issue is annoying as f#@% and breaks the game. A basic rule of quota per type of product displayed could solve this sh@#%.
Sorry but my language reflects my feeling.
Let’s not give sugar & spice all the credit, cheese fries, gnomes and burgers are just as offensive
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