Forum Discussion
- Give us the ability to cancel trade listings without Simcash
- Return cancelled trade listings to storage
- Put a confirmation alert when using Simcash (I have accidently used it)
- Add a search function to the Global Trade HQ, if not by typing in the item you want, then allow us to search by item types or level
- Let us browse what people on our friends list are selling on the Global Trade HQ from our own cities. ( scroll down menu, with players at the top of the list having the most items for sell and those at the bottom the least or none)
Club chat: add signs for numbers so when you ask for an item (or offer it) you can add the needed/available quantity right away. This would help a lot in multinational clubs.
I also would like to be able to browse through all stores of any club member that is not empty - or at least have some kind of indication, if a club member has wares to offer.
- Freggi-Liz6 years agoHero+
My improvements idea for SCB. It would be awesome if SCB could connect to Origin account. Friends could play along who have no FB account. I do not understand, why EA does not integrate its own product (Origin). Of course, EA would win more players for this game again. I know from some players from my community, that they would play it if they had the opportunity. 😉
Thank you for reading,, happy birthday to SC. The game celebrates its 30th anniversary ... 🎂
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