8 years agoWAR CHEATS! HELP
Hi guys! This situation are really critical now! A lot of clubs are unhappy because of cheats in war. For example our club had previous war. And our enemy was cheats. 1. They made more energy i...
Hi latte7girl,
Thanks for the kind words and the recognition that I’m a competitor...and you’re right it’s only a game. Like you I can identify a cheater very quickly as we both have seen quite a few, but when in depth investigative facts are presented with solid knowledge and unique exposure it’s time to listen and learn.but this mayor wants to challenge the facts with opinion and cloud the truth...he was clearly proven incorrect by 2 highly knowledgeable and experienced mayors and yet comes back in a different thread offering the same rhetoric...and sadly some folks believe it. I'm simply trying to understand what part of the explanation given by the German Mayor and Fantastix was incorrect...sadly all I get is you don’t understand, which is correct I don’t.
latte7girl, as always it’s great to see you.
I have some thoughts to add onto actually. Finally got the time to sit down and type them out. At first, I was shocked to know the extent players will go to level up their disasters. But on the retrospective, I think certain players are still without a doubt cheaters based on the type of disasters they had unlocked, which reveals a lot more about them than they know.
For one, almost all the cities that have only magnetism and Movie Monster unlocked till level 15 are incredibly shabby, with few pathetic buildings and low happiness. It is like the city is just created solely for war, to be exact, it’s a feeder city to make up the numbers needed to go into war. The laziness in the creation of the city is apparent, so I doubt the player will be that hardworking to hop around to refresh the war store.
And if he has lots of money to burn on wars, it’s strange that he didn’t bother to throw a bit more into building his city. The only reason not to do so: it’s just a feeder city. And what are the chances someone will use almost a thousand to level up the disasters of a feeder city? Very low, I think.
More often than not, these kind of cities will all strangely be on same team. What are the chances of five or more people, who have the exact same style of having dumps as their cities but have high level magnetisms and movie monsters, being in the same club? Too much of a coincidence, no? They are operated by one or two people, and they will need to spend thousands of dollars to upgrade the disasters of all the feeder cities. The probability of them hacking to level up is higher than paying thousands for a game that they do not care about (based on the fact they hardly bother to take care of their cities).
And oh yes, you are famous for your claims that shielding up is form of strategy. So I don’t see what’s the problem with us bringing this up.
And I found this cheater whose profile has a dead giveaway that she is a cheater. She had unlocked 5 regions with less than 10mil population. This clue cannot be refuted. Though sad to say, she is still out at large. It has been two months since I reported her. What’s up, EA?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I see some things different, but you seems to be person who is interested in a good discussion. I'll try to explain my point of view. Please keep in mind, English is not my mother language.
I have build up my city in the last 4 years. I have a fully upgraded capital city on level 96 with a population of 6.1 million. I have spend less than 10$ real cash in these 4 years. I have over 21 Million Simoleons by now. I have unlocked 4 regions only for getting the extra 20 storage room in each region. I have no intension to build up the regions any further. With this data it is nearly impossible to play CoM successfully, so I'm focused on playing the club wars.
Assuming I decide to start over with a new city (I have no intention to do it by now) I would not do the same mistakes again, I have done in my first city. Leveling up my new city too fast would be such a mistake. I would be focused in upgrading the city storage of my new city and nothing else. I would use my big city to bring up my new city very fast, with items, transfering simoleons and so on... In other words, not the new city would be the feeder city, but the big city would. When I reach a stage (easier with the help of my big city) where I have a small city with a big city storage, I would level up only as far, that I can do the CoM and the club wars.
Everything is easier with a smaller low level city, especially with the CoM. I have a teammate in my club who did it this way and now he is only playing with his new city, very successful in CoM and in war.
And now, assuming I'm getting insane and decide to spend a lot of money for such useless things like war cards, what do you think, wich city I would choose? Always the new one.
As I stated before I have unlocked 4 regions. By now I have only a population of 600 000 in my regions. First, I have build up my regions to a population of these 600 000, then I moved some special buildings from my capital city to my regions. That has given me a big population boost. After I have reached the limit needed for the 4th region I have unlocked it. Then I have moved my special building back to my capital city. Am I a cheater, now?
You were shocked to know the extent players will go to level up their disasters. You would be even more shocked if you would get the knowledge what players also do to get advantage in war and in CoM, without using any hacker tools and having the risk of getting banned. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The "strategy" is not the problem of this game.
I get it that there’s a possibility that the examples highlighted may not cheaters, but the chances of them being cheaters are higher since the methods you had mentioned still require certain amount of efforts. And I doubt that the countless of players with dubious stats are all employing the methods you had mentioned.
I hope EA will not assume that it is possible to achieve those stats, thus deciding not to probe carefully through the data of the reported mayors. This will cause club wars to become wild wild west where cheaters, who are getting away with it, will be as abundant as the sand on the beach.
I had personally encountered cheater banned by EA. One became a pile of rubble halfway through war, and EA had confirmed that that person is a cheater in their reply to me. See picture below.
Another encounter: this team, made up of 3 low level cities with high level disasters and other cities with terrible stats in everything, has a couple of clone clubs where all have those three special members in them. After I reported them, the clubs vanished into thin air.
Recently, I fought a team from China, which is basically a two-men show. Two has very high level of magnetism and Movie Monster while the rest are inactive cities with zero population or less than 1k pop. I don’t like how they play the game, plus the fact that their stats are way too suspicious, so I wrote on my city description that I would report them to EA. Guess what, those two only active guys disappeared from the club after that. They are not in their clone clubs either. My guess is they abandoned the club out of fear. Guilty conscience, maybe? By the way, we won that fight, but it was painful to fight them.
I had reported quite a number of clubs, but since no action had been done on them, meaning EA did not find them guilty, I should not mention them here.
My impression is, that the amount of real cheater (that cheater who uses some hacker tool to mod the game) become less and less, because EA is doing something against them, while same time the amount of players increases, who are organized in a big network of clubs to generate war cash, items and higher level disaster.
When we are playing a war and the opponent team is hitting us with tons of magnetism attacks and using lots of costly booster, I can see the following again and again:
As soon as the war is over all opponent player, except the president, leave the club and join other clubs with lower rank. Now they can play as many wars as necessary to replenish their arsenal of war items and war cash. After some days (maybe weeks) you can see the main club is refilled with players, partly with same players that have played against us and partly with other players. That way they are optimal prepared for the next war with their main club.
It even goes so far, that two new clubs were created, which are filled with players from the network, and then each start a war at the same time to play against each other. Only to generate lots of points to upgrade their disasters and to change items into magnetism and movie monster items. And all without any risk of getting banned.
Superpraesi, there's no need of any hacker tool to cheat. But to use some kind of procedures clearly means cheating, 'cause you're exploiting a bug of the game. And while improving cards changing arena can be considered legit (at least if you get simcash in a legit way), to duplicate items is absolutely exploiting a bug. So it means cheating, as is forbidden by EULA.
Joining lower clubs is surely a way to get some extra cards and/or war items, but don't get dazzled by it: in lower arenas, if you don't match another club with same target (getting items & cards), almost no one will attack you. So you'll be only wasting war items you collected. Of course you'll get simcash and war-simoleons. Even if you match another right club, you'll be attacked and will collect war items, but some of that items will have to be used to attack and collect chests. And even if in lower arenas chests are easier to get, you'll have to attack several times to get golden ones. And chest's prize are random: could be simoleons, could be a power-up, could be cards. And there's 22 kinds of cards. That means the prospect to get magnet or MM cards is not so high.
I know a lot of clubs using this strategy to improve, and somehow it works, you'll surely collect simcash, war-simoleons, items and cards easely than fighting with your main club in a meaningful war. But neither this strategy can explain how easely you find out players with magnet & MM lvl 15 using its for 40 to 50 times/war, as neither this strategy justifies a growth so fast. That's what the complain is about.
I absolutely agree, that duplication of items is cheating too. But afaik the hole, that you can duplicate items this easy way, has been closed some time ago. But my information could be also outdated or wrong.
But regardless of whether that's right or wrong, I wanted to talk about the number of real cheaters. Your phrase "cheating, as is forbidden by EULA" seems to be much better.
The clubs, that have joined together to a network, are often playing in the same arena. They are not starting over in arena one, where of course not enough action take place.
The strategy I have mentioned in my last post should not be an explanation of the high level cards, but should be a reply to j6niceL's experience with the Chinese team.
A fast growth of the city is not wanted by an advanced player, it is counter productive. Or what do you mean with "... as neither this strategy justifies a growth so fast." ?
I wonder where you can see the countless players with movie monster lvl 15. Our club is playing 2 wars a week on a war rank between 200 and 800 and I have seen only one city with MM lvl 15 and this was several months ago. And when I search for some clubs from the Top 20, the max MM level I can see is lvl 10. Some have magnetism lvl 15, but this is exactly what I would expect in the Top 20. Some players have bought disaster cards like crazy. That could be exactly these players. And also in the Top 20 I can see some clubs that have only one member left.