Dear PinnacleValley, even if I have a different point of view from yours, I'm respectful about you, so let me tell you with full respect that in this argument sometimes I think you act like a child: You have the right to complain about something you don't like, and I don't have the right to tell you what to say, but I think that naming these matters like you always do means not facing the reality as it is.
I'm not always with what superpraesi uses to say, but there's one thing absolutely correct in what he says: this is not a shooter game, this is a strategy game. And until someone is not using cheats, every strategy is a legit one and have the right to being called "strategy".
Is the dome a funny strategy? No, it isn't, that's for sure. But the way the game is designed permit it, so it's legit. One of the nice things of strategy games is that you can read the game in a lot of different ways, and have fun in the way you like better. Someone have fun without fighting (as sim city historically wasn't a fighting game), someother fighting like there's no tomorrow, someother winning wars. Everyone is a legit way to live this game (while not cheating). And IMO every legit way must be respected, even when you don't like it.
Winning a war is important for a club who likes wars; the majority of players plays for free, so they gotta find a way to gain every single thing: items, simoleons, etc.; winning a war means gaining winners chests, that contains a lot of war simoleons, useful to buy jackpots & co.; when you loose a war, the next one is a little harder, 'cause you didn't had war simoleons to buy that upgrades. If you loose the second one too, winning the third becomes even more harder, and so on, as a vicious circle. So yes, if needed, using the dome trying to cut this circle is nothing wrong.
Other clubs just want to appear on the top 20, just to say "look I'm in the coolest club", so they don't mind about the way they win. I don't like them, but it's simply another way to live this game.
It's bad and boring to loose versus a club who domed, but at the end they won and you have lost, so your club hasn't been smart enough to beat them. What about clubs who domes while loosing? Even more boring, but probably they simply do wars to manage COM missions.
Finding a club who domes is a bad thing. Finding a club who cheats AND domes is even worse. But IMO the problem is the cheaters, not the domers, even if I don't like them too.
Somoeone suggested to introduce a "timed bubble", with an autorepair after that time. Let me ask a question about it: You're playing a war, you're playing well; they domed you, but you're repairing the last damages and you're almost ready to go out and shoot. Then something happens and you're forced logging out of the game, and you aren't able logging in before the war ends (choose everything you like better, like "I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn't have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!" [cit.]): Would you be happy finding that they doomed you several times because of the "timed bubble" and you club lost the war because of that? Of course you wouldn't. Normal people owns a real life, timing the bubble would mean live to play SCBI. I already see people living for it, but I guess they're insane...
Before ending this post, just some data: my club rebooted from 1500 on january. After the first win, we were ranked about #126000. That means at least 130/135000 club ranked. So there's at least 1350000 accounts considering 10 an average of 10 accounts/club. This number could easely increase considering higher accounts/club averages, but lot of players shift from club to club to collect war items, so let's use a lower, reasonable one. I'm using the word "accounts" and not "players" 'cause I know it exists lot of feeder cities, but we can't say how many of its are feeders. Nor EA can, so every registered account rules as a player. Now, how many people complained about the dome question in this forum? Let's say 200? Believe me, they're far less than 200, but let's keep this number. It means that 0,015% of players officially complained about this matter. Take these numbers as a cheaper estimation, but this percentage won't significantly change with a more accurate one.
So, if you were EA, would you change a thing 'cause 0,015% of registered accounts complains about it? Of course you wouldn't.
Then if you're really hoping EA will change it, you'd better give up and start playing another game. But I hope you won't, accepting the way this game works. Then, if I'm wrong and EA will decide changing war rules, I'll be the first to be happy!
Best regards.