Wealth Forecast - Luxurious
- 11 years ago
Edit: Since posting this I've tested it and the info below is incorrect. Building types are purely dependant on land value. Dark blue giving the tallest buildings. To get to dark blue, you need a total of 9 services, so after level 16, you need all 7 basics (Power, Water, Sewage, Waste, Fire, Police and Health) + any two specializations. I was at level 15 when posting this, hence + 3 specializations.
The type of upgrade is dependant on how many specializtions you provide.
None/One - Standard Homes
Two - Premium Homes
Three - Luxurios Homes
The wealth forecast shows that a home can still be upgraded to a higher level if it gets another service before the next upgrade. Once a building has become a tower it is locked at that specific level.
Note that the specialization can be in any combination. For example, to get premium homes you can either give them access to Parks + Education, or Parks + Transportation, or Transportation + Gambling etc..
Ultimately the zones affect what your buildings will look like.