4 years agoHero (Retired)
Re: Nice Full Screen Mode
Hi @BlueCreature88 - SimCity is an older game, so it doesn't play well with the newest UHD settings.
To work around resolution & display issues:
- Launch full screen forcing the display resolution via command line: In Origin, right-click the SimCity icon and choose "Game Properties" > click the "Advanced Launch Options" tab > type "-r:1920x1080" (without the quotation marks) in the "Command Line Arguments" box. Match the resolution to the current display settings on your monitor, using the format "-r:HHHHxRRRR" For instance, -r:2560x1440 -r:1920x1080 -r:1600x900
There are a couple other options to force windowed mode, which you can see in this stickied thread, although you want full screen. If it doesn't go full screen with the above switches, you can also add "-f" to the command line switches to force full screen.
- Change the UI Scale: Change the preferences.prop file: Default location on PC is \Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\SimCity\SimCityUserData\Preferences\Preferences.prop
- Exit SimCity and Origin completely. Make a copy of the Preferences.prop file for backup purposes. Open the file with a text editor like Notepad. Scroll to the part that says OptionUIZoomLevel 1 & change it to OptionUIZoomLevel 2. Save the file and launch SimCity. That should double the size of the UI. You can experiment with different numbers to see if you can find one that works for you. (make sure you don't save with the *.txt extension at the end - it needs to be preferences.prop)