Possible solution for PS5 players , Error 480232561
I wanted to share because I was getting Error 480232561 consistently, even though i was certain I had applied and redeemed my code with the correct PSN ID.
What I realized though, is that the email associated with my PSN account is different than the one associated with my EA playtesting account.
During the sign up process, EA asked us to open an incognito window and use the PS button to log in to confirm and submit our PSN ID exactly as it appeared on that connections page. What they failed to make clear, is that if the email you use to log in to your PSN account is different from your EA account, you’re linking in the wrong place.
I realized the discrepancy today, unlinked from the email associated with my PSN account, and relinked to the account associated with my EA playtesting, re-opened the Skate. app on my PS5 again, and it worked no problem.
Not sure how clear I explained this, please feel free to ask questions, but I hope it can help some of y’all.
Go to the connections page: https://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/connectaccounts/index
- Log in using the email associated with your PSN ID. If it shows as linked, and that email differs from the one you used to sign up for playtesting (like me),
- Unlink your PSN from that EA account.
- Sign out.
- Log in again using your playtesting email.
- Re-link your PSN ID inside the playtesting account.
- Try running the Skate. app again
This is happening because EA is using these two credentials in tandem to verify your eligibility.