This update has killed any desire for me to play this game.
I was already pretty unhappy with the state of the game when i got early access in July, but now it seems the game has a premium currency and lootbox system for customization before the physics engine has even been finished. I thought EA learned their lesson with Battlefront 2, but i guess not.
Even if this is a 'reboot', people are still going to expect to be able to do stuff they could in previous entries of the franchise. Locking things like item dropper parts, basic clothes, and skateboard customization is an insult to players, especially those familiar with any other skateboarding game that was popular in the last 25 years. I'm aware the developers probably have little say in the matter, but in the end, this is a product i would never recommend people spend money on.
If you're a dev that actually wants to see this become a game people care about, try to talk to your higher ups to stop them from turning this into another skinner box experiment, the kind gamers got tired of 6 years ago. At the moment i see this becoming another game that suffered to sustain 'engagement' and will probably be shut down a year or two after release.