13 years ago① - Linking EA account
i need u to link my gamer tag with my ea account i have been trying it for a week.
i tried to add new persona but it wouldnt let me. it said somthing about it was for older ea games after i didnt p...
how do u link a xbox gamertag to your ea account???
The Xbox 360/Xbox One and the PlayStation 3/PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita both use their own types of account for managing your games and online interactions; Gamertag for Xbox, and PSN ID for Playstation.
For EA games, these accounts should be linked to your Origin account.
Note for Next Gen Consoles: Your gamertag or PSN ID carries over from Xbox 360/PS3 to Xbox One/PS4.
If you have played any EA game on the last generation of consoles, please make sure you find and use that same account when you play on next gen.
Linking your accounts:
Your Gamertag/PSN ID and Origin Account should be correctly linked when you first access an EA game online if you use the same email address for both.
We recommend that you check your Origin account to ensure your emails match.
If the email address for your Gamertag/PSN/PSVita ID is different than the address for your Origin account, connect them using the steps below:
If you have issues connecting your account, you will need to properly link them by contacting a Game Advisor.
Did you forget if your Origin/EA Account is linked to your Gamertag/PSN ID?
nope! tried that ah
That didn't help...i've tried contacting the live chat and the phone line and can't get anyone to help me, i waited 2 and a half hours for the live chat and an hour for the phone.
Hi ajfrogpig
I am sorry to hear that did not help you but I would need more information about your issue.
If this is about linking a Gamertag/PSN ID, we cannot investigate the issue through the forum unfortunately, however our game advisors can intervene and help you.
If the waiting for the live chat or on the phone is too long, you can also contact them via email (an option should be available.)
If you want to try this contact method, please provide your Gamertag/PSN/PSVita ID and the e-mail address for your EA account.
If I can help you with another question, feel free to ask, the community can also help you.
Thank you.
I have read several threads of people who I think are having exactly the same problem as I am, and none of the solutions offered work.
Here is what happened. We'll see if others have the same thing going on:
Used an old email to create an Origin account years ago.
Stopped using Origin for a while.
Started using Origin again, updating my email address because I couldn't remember the old one.
Gamertag is not properly associated with the account anymore.
Can't create a new persona with the new email, because when you try to create a new persona, the page is broken.
What I need:
Someone to reconcile my gamertag with my new email address. Or, delete my account and allow me to create a new account completely, which I think would also work.
What I do not need:
Another link to the Origins Help page.
my xbox email isnt the same to my origin acount how do i dissconect the origin acount that is connected to my xbox gamertag and put a new one in
My Origin e-mail address matches with my XBox gametag but I still cannot connect them. So, what I have to do? I bought the FIFA 14 from a local GameStop store. What
Nothing i try to connect my account to my xbox one is working, when i go to connected accounts it just says xbox live and xbox 360 so how do i add my xbox one to the list because i don't want to delete my entire xbox account just to get this to work
so i have bean all over looking for ansers when igo on to origans web site and go thrugh the friends thing and try to link my acccounts with my Xbox account it gives me the foloing . oops... that account has already been linked to a different origin ID. to review your linked accounts select account and privacy frome the origin menu. but when i do that i go and look and there is no account linked so my account is linked to anuther account that i dont know of or have the pass word to.
i tryed to get a hold of a game adviser or some thing so i could find out what to do but nun of the playses i when to could help so can some one help me!!!!!!!!!!
What if Origin tells you that your Gamertag is already linked to a different Origin account. I have not linked mine to one before, but I still get that error. This seem's to be a faily common occurancy, and to be honest, it is VERY frustrating.
when I get to the page to link it takes me to my email address and as it is outlook it brings up the microsoft agreement but there is nowhere to agree so I can't go any further
Alright, simply click here so a game advisor can assist you with your issue.
Note that, when you speak to a Game Advisor for this issue, you’ll be asked a number of questions to assure account ownership.
If possible contact us via phone, or request a call back if the option is available to you.
EA is not reading my age correctly, Xbox is fine, and I spent hour on phone with them, they have no issues and have my age correct. For some reason anything EA related is reading my age incorrectly and I cannot access any online content., and now I can't play star wars battle front because of it. Please help
When I do this, I get a popup that says: "Oops..that account has already been linked to a different ID. To review your linked accounts, select Account and Privacy form the Origins menu."
How do I find out the ID that is linked to my Xbox live gamertag?