Hello there,
I 've been having problems to connect Skate.reel, skate.park, profile and all things related to team modes. About 3 weeks ago, I could play without issues, but now it's really impossible to connect this features. I already tried many solutions that were informed here like: clear cache, re install share.pack, connect and reconnect Origin and PSN accounts, but nothing solve the problems and I still getting the message " Problem connecting EA online Service" when I try to connect my profile and team info or when I try to watch other players content like photos and videos.
I see there are so many people with same problem on PS3 and Xbox, I know 6 more people that have a disc copy on PS3 (like me) and are experiencing the same issues. So I think could be some kind of update problem, because about 3 weeks ago, I could play without big problems.
Could you help guys? Or give us some information about it ? If it's a problem that you are having on servers or if you shut down the servers related to this features definitely?
More information:
- Platform: PS3
- Did you reinstall the Skate Share Pack: Yes I do. On PS3 there's no way to download the share.pack on PSN, but the game looks like to download it automatically, when connect looking for updates.
- Game copy: Digital download / physical disk - I have physical copy
- Did you buy the game with a discount program such as deals with gold / Games on demand...? - No