Please bring back the Skate 3 Graphic Maker
Hello Skate 3 Fans and EA Workers, I am an avid Fan of the Skate franchise I got into Skate 3 Around the middle of 2023. Although the game older than most people born in this day and age, I found the community caring, supportive, and welcoming. Now to the topic at hand, I and multiple others fans of the Skate 3 Game were upset to find out about how the servers went down for Skate.Create I do not get how this would empower the Gamers, it’s simply Strange I have checked other Answer HQ Posts and all have to say is “The Website was to hard to keep track of and how it had a lot of maintenance.” I find it disgusting that a Multimillion Dollar Company can’t run a simple Website. Everyone would agree with me, we do not care how “Broken” or how “Messy” the website is, We all want it back. It was ours and now it’s no one’s. Thank you for Listening.