Forum Discussion
WTF thats messed up not like the game is that old
The decisions to retire online features are never easy. Our web development team and operational staff have poured their hearts into this game almost as much as the customers using them, and it is hard to see them retired. But the number of players still enjoying Skate has dwindled to a point where it’s no longer feasible to continue the behind-the-scenes work involved with keeping these websites up and running. We hope you have gotten many hours of enjoyment out of Skate.Reel and Skate.Graphics and we appreciate your ongoing patronage.
- 12 years ago
So you mean to tell me I've purchased the game for a feature I've not even used, This is the second game EA have done me over in, and I don't think it's fair, I've never even heard of the graphics creator, so how people are supposed to use it if they don't even know about it...
I Know exactly how EA operate.. if the server load are under a specifc percentage for a period amount of time they shut them down.. but this is highly unreasonable and I suggest Black Box release a patch to remove the loading screen tips - since that's where it popped up for the first time ever...
I Also don't expect to anticipate any issues with using the recently purchased Filmer pack to upload any of the replays that I look forward to doing..
and on a personal note - it's just wrong of EA, entirely wrong, to do this without releasing a patch to remove the loading tips beforehand.. I was anticipating enjoyment designing some graphics or logos since that's what I do for course work.. this could of been something different....NOT IMPRESSED
- Anonymous12 years ago
If there isnt a skate 4 I swear all your other games are Battlefeild sims they all suck Skate was something really good that your ending
- Anonymous12 years ago
I recently purchased the game a couple of days back and have just learned of this, If you carn't justify the up keep of the website at least remove/provide the achievement that can no longer be unlocked. On a free update for the game please😕mileyindifferent:
- 12 years ago
Please, bring skate.create back, we aren't asking for site updates, we just want to see our own clips, download them and publish them to the world! The reason Skate 3 actually was one of my favourite games was because after all you could download your own clips for example: YOUTUBE! But now you've ruined one of the greatest parts in Skate3..
- Anonymous12 years ago
how i gonna get my platinum if i can't get sellout trophy ?
- Anonymous12 years ago
The only thing I enjoyed out of this game was the graphic creator and you took it out because you can't afford to keep it up and running with the **bleep** load of money your making isn't enough but all I can say is ea lost a valued customer because their cheap bastards.
- Anonymous12 years ago
hi give me skateboard graphics skins please thx.
- Anonymous12 years ago
You guys are honestly *not fun*. If you are going to remove an ENTIRE feature of the game, everybody loved, atleast give a notification so everyone can deal with their things before hand rather than shutting it down at the most random time pissing everyone off with your new Origin. Skate.create graphics was the best feature of the game and It will always be, until you guys made this decision.
- Anonymous12 years ago
y cant u put it back u just put it back on alot of people liked it and the game isnt right with out it.i just got the game and i love it i just want create mode to come back ive always wanted a game i can do that and now u took it away. i thought it was just and update it still says vist our website at on skate3. u took one of the best things off this game can u plz put it back on the website
- Anonymous12 years ago
But without the Graphics Creator the true fans of the Skate 3 series wont be able to be artistic in their own features of customization...
In other words without it artists cant use their art skills in a game.
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