As a business and design consultant, I advise you to set about quick plans to build skate four. There are far too many dedicated players still awaiting a release after 4 years without a release. Ignoring a customer base that dedicated is not only impractical in terms of developing your brand and ignoring a huge set of active players, but this is also going to eliminate demand in other market segments, as the brand of EA, as dedicated game me's source for yearly title releases.
The only cost justification I can assume is behind the lack of continued releases is that your profit margins are tied to the market growth of any one title. And, you decided to cap the market growth of the title manually, by limiting the install base.
If you need a decent deisgn director for a future release, I am more than happy to lead up the redesign requiements gathering for the title. I have colleagues within your production offices who would also like to see the game brought back to huge reception and download.
Add to that, I would change the title's strategy, to meet the needs of the growing online purchase market and offer it at a fiver on release.
As per the vast selection of boards avaialble, from which to sample your marketing potential, I highly recommend you archive the requests for this game, as thw market is certainly much larger than any unproven title.
The money is in the numbers, I see at least 100k players in active communities that would completely justify a re-release at single or double a.
Contact me via restructural for further assistance in this matter.
The Management