Battlefront 2 minimise it's self when i play with mods
Hey guys i need help, i installed last week mods for battlefront 2 with frostymodmanager and frostyfix but still can't play the game. I watched lots of videos on youtube how to install mods and followed every single step but still nothing. When i launch the game with frosty and the selected the mod i want, then the game launch with the mod but after a few seconds it minimize it self and when i click on the icon in the taskbar the it minimize again. When this happend it means that the mods are working beacause when the mods dont work, then the original game will launch. I dont know what the reason could be for this problem and i happends with every mod i install.
Am besten fragst du da bei Frosty Mod Manager einmal nach. Ich vermute, dass es wahrscheinlich etwas mit Berechtigungen oder ähnlichem zu tun hat.
Wir können dir hier allerdings nicht dabei helfen, da EA wie gesagt Mods nicht unterstützt.