Forum Discussion

jc3455's avatar
New Novice
2 days ago

Join the Hive today

Looking for a guild? Join the Hive today



Currently rebuilding the guild and still performing.


**Guild Stats**

MEMBERS - 42/50

Galactic Power - 211.9

GL's - 54



1 mil GP+ (Anything Less you just would not be able to keep up sorry

Active in both Territory Wars & Territory Battles (DS Geo & RotE).

Wat ready Geos or currently working on them.

At least 1 GL or working on your 1st.

Discord is a must we have HotBot available.

400+ Daily tickets



Naboo Raid - 2nd Create working towards 3rd


**Territory Wars & Battles**

We ask that you sign up and you actively take part,  if you can’t make it let us know by posting in our #away channel, but ideally we want everyone signing up and taking part.


**Territory War**

Last 6 months - 16W 6L (72.72%)


**Territory Battles**

DS Geo - 14 ⭐️

RoTE - 8 ⭐️


Join the HIVE today


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