6 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Relaxed Competitive Guild 550m GP 37* 130m raid 70% TW win rate
We are a relaxed competitive guild that goes about things as efficiently as possible without burning everyone out.
No micromanaging, no forced farms, no mandatory TW. Just a nice environment for like minded players who want to achieve good rewards and have fun along the way.
💥 130m Naboo box
💥 37* RotE
💥 Zeff & Mandalore
💥 70% TW win rate
💥 guild wide access to GAC insight
We’re looking for
▫️10m+ GP
▫️6 GLs or more
▫️solid mods
▫️Active Datacron farming
Our future goals: 38*, higher raid box (240m theoretically already possible)
We’re part of Spaceballs: The Alliance and share a common server for exchange of memes, knowledge and banter.
Come and visit and let’s talk!