Forum Discussion

kurt0rz's avatar
Rising Newcomer
18 days ago

TH3 ELIT3 UK 310M GP 2 Members 18 ROTE 22.5M Naboo


*Now Recruiting*  2 members
TH3 ElIT3 UK are looking for players 4 mil+ GP with at least 1 GL. Must be active and participate in raids & guild events, willingness to work on inqs for REVA SM would be nice also. Please join our server or DM me if interested.

**We run**:
♦️Naboo raid 22.5 mil box   
♦️18 ⭐️s on ROTE plus 2-4 REVA shards (expected to increase greatly in the near future)
♦️31 ⭐s plus 30-40 WAT shards on DS GEO (Now retired with a focus on REVA shard farming but occasional runs can be requested and will be considered if enough interest)
♦️TW 45+ sign ups Decent win rate (droid 🧠s!)

**Our requirements**:
♦️4 million GP & 1 GL or REVA ready inqs
♦️Daily raid tickets preferable
♦️Use Discord for communication
♦️TB/ TW participation (but can sit out of TW if unable to contribute)
♦️Our guild GP is normally around **320mil+**

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