"WarGreymon77;c-17226715" wrote:
I use cheats. This won't corrupt your game or anything.
Ctrl+Shift+C to bring up the typing box, then type and press enter after: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
Shift-click your Sim and click Spawn-> Sim Modder. When it spawns, it'll look like a baby.
Click on that and Wants and Fears... -> Lifetime -> and choose to Cycle through all Lifetime Wants or just the ones for Current Aspiration
If you get a lifetime want you like, sell the baby, and turn off the testing cheats by doing: boolprop testingcheatsenabled false
I do this a lot, because I'm rarely satisfied with what the game randomly gives me.
This is the option I would choose. I have used the Sim Modder (baby) for many things, and you can leave it on the lot and turn off boolprop and not have any harm to game. You may want to use it later for something else.
OP, As far as the batbox and FFS lot debugger I have never seen options to change LTW on those. They remove stuck NPCs (hidden) and invisible objects stuck on lot and best not to use them if you aren't experiencing any problems. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, is my motto.